Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Call of Duty

If talking to any gamer PS3 owner or the pice of crap XBOX 360 one thing comes out of their mouth. CALL OF DUTY!!!!!! This game tittle Is like crack for gamers, having the highest ratings and out selling other game tittles last September this game has taken a great amount of gamers time. I know a couple of friends and random people i meet that once they get started talking about C.O.D they never shut up about it all ways bragging about their rank, their perks, kill streaks and more if u actually played the game u would understand. hearing so much good feed back about this game i went out n bought it to see wat all the buzz was about. My personal opinion about Call of Duty is that it is a good game not the campaign it self but the multiplayer mode wich lets you go online and unload clips after clips on other players, wich is fun then it got to easy and i got bored of it. But all my friends still talk about Call of Duty, even when at a party u can still stumble upon a drunken dispute about the damm game man i recomend putting the game away and getting a new one with more challenge and more to do like battle field bad company 2.

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